DNA Secrets and Rituals for Sales Success with Dr. Jeremy Koenig

In this episode, Collin Stewart explores the fascinating intersection of genomics and human performance with Dr. Jeremy Koenig.

With experience in athletics and a passion for genetics, Dr. Koenig takes us on a journey to understanding how our DNA can influence our daily performance, personally and professionally. This isn’t just about physical capability; it’s about holistically overcoming life’s stresses. Emotional and mental well-being also come into play as critical factors in human performance.

As founders and salespeople, roles as close to entrepreneurship as one can get, knowing how to show up and make every day count is crucial. Dr. Koenig offers us a fresh perspective through the lens of genetics to make that happen.

The Role of Genetics in Human Performance

The age of one-size-fits-all solutions is quickly coming to an end. Dr. Koenig highlights the rising trend of personalization, particularly accelerated by advancements in genomic science. Personalization is no longer a luxury, whether tailored multivitamins or individualized training regimens. It’s a necessity.

Why Personalization Matters More Than Ever

Injury Risk, Minimum Effective Dose, and Training Plateaus

Dr. Koenig identifies three main buckets where DNA insights can make a remarkable difference:

  • Injury Vulnerability: Knowing your genetic predisposition towards certain types of injuries can enable you to take preemptive measures.
  • Minimum Effective Dose (MED): Personalized insights help identify the minimal effort you need to put into training to see results, thus ensuring you are neither overtraining nor under-training.
  • Training Plateaus: Genetics can offer clues when you hit a performance wall. Understanding your DNA can help you adjust your training regimens to break through plateaus.

For example, Jeremy shared his challenge with converting beta-carotene to Vitamin A. He solved this by opting for meat sources like eggs and liver to meet his Vitamin A needs, offering a prime example of how genetic insight can provide personalized solutions.

The Coach’s Perspective: The Gardener Philosophy

What sets apart top-performing athletes is often their talent and the coaching style that cultivates it. Dr. Koenig observed that coaches of the top 1% of athletes tend to adopt a ‘gardener’ philosophy rather than a ‘drill sergeant’ approach. This nurturing style fosters athletic ability and cultivates self-discovery and resilience, qualities invaluable for anyone in high-stress, high-reward roles.

The Fine Line of Performance

When it comes to elite performance, every fraction of a second counts. Dr. Koenig points out that sometimes it’s just “hundreds of a second between first place and last place,” underscoring the monumental impact that even small genetic advantages or insights can have.

The DNA Revolution in Personal Optimization

The landscape of personal optimization is changing rapidly, driven by advancements in our understanding of genetics. A decade ago, tailoring your diet, exercise regimen, or daily schedule based on your DNA would have seemed like science fiction. Fast-forward to today, and it’s a booming industry.

But hold your horses before you rush out to get your DNA tested. While companies like 23andMe and AncestryDNA popularized the concept of consumer genomics, they’ve also created a misconception. The data from these tests, often geared more towards identifying your ancestral heritage than your optimal diet or workout plan, is complex and requires expertise to interpret effectively.

Enter the Genomic Experts

This is where the new breed of genomic experts steps in. These aren’t just geneticists; they’re cross-disciplinary specialists who combine knowledge of genetics with expertise in nutrition, sports science, and more. They can look at the markers in your genome that influence everything from cardiovascular health to cognitive function, providing actionable advice that goes far beyond what you’d get from a standard consumer DNA test.

However, even these experts caution that DNA is just one piece of the puzzle. Our lives are also significantly influenced by environmental factors, our diet, our level of physical activity, and even our daily routines. Focusing solely on your genetic predispositions can give you a skewed or incomplete picture of what you need for true wellness.

The reality is that while we’re waiting for the future promise of fully personalized, DNA-based health optimization to materialize, there are plenty of more straightforward changes we can make today. Sometimes, the low-hanging fruits, like a better diet, more exercise, or improved sleep quality, can yield immediate and significant benefits.

The Anatomy of a Productive Day: Rituals for Peak Performance

If you’ve ever wondered how successful entrepreneurs, life coaches, and high-performing individuals structure their days, the answer often lies in meticulous planning combined with spontaneity.

Evening Preparation: Setting the Stage for Success

The end of the day isn’t just a time to relax—it’s an opportunity to set the stage for tomorrow. Dr. Koenig goes through all digital calendars and transforms them into analog ones. Why? Writing down priorities and tasks helps put the subconscious mind to work overnight. This is crucial in knowing what needs tackling the next day and frees up mental energy for unexpected events.

Key Takeaway: Your subconscious mind is a powerful tool; engage by planning your next day every evening. Opt for uplifting reading instead of scrolling through social media before bed. This connects you to something bigger than yourself and sets a positive tone for the night.

Morning Rituals: Gearing Up for a High-Energy Day

The morning is a sacred time for setting the day’s tone. By waking up four hours before the workday starts, Jeremy has ample time for meaningful activities. Reading uplifting content sets the mood, followed by a review of the day’s agenda. Incorporating a personal touch, like a specific coffee blend, aids mental stimulation and enjoyment.

Key Takeaway: Wake up well in advance to start your day at a comfortable pace. This extra time helps you ease into work instead of rushing through your morning.

Understanding Your Body’s Unique Needs

Don’t underestimate the power of understanding your individual bodily needs. From the type of coffee you drink to the time you consume it, minor tweaks in your routine can significantly impact your performance.

Key Takeaway: Personalizing your dietary choices to match your body’s needs can substantially affect your daily performance.

Breaking the Day: Physical Activity and Mindfulness

As a part of the mid-day rituals, physical activity comes into play. Whether going for a walk or practicing yoga, this is the time to break away from intense focus and refresh the body and mind. The best part? Working remotely or owning your schedule allows you to integrate this seamlessly into your day.

Key Takeaway: Physical activity is not just for physical health but also an excellent way to clear the mind. Use this time to revitalize your energy levels for the tasks ahead.

Strategic Planning: The Startup Ritual

Jeremy emphasizes the concept of a “startup ritual,” focusing first on non-urgent but critical tasks. This prioritization technique leaves room for the mind to problem-solve throughout the day. By tackling these crucial tasks first, one can better handle urgent matters.

Key Takeaway: Address non-urgent but essential tasks early in the day. This frees up mental bandwidth for urgent matters, helping you maintain a balanced workflow.

Curating Synergistic Interactions

Interactions can make or break your day. Choose to work with individuals who complement your skill set and elevate your work experience. This doesn’t just increase productivity but also makes your workday more enjoyable.

Key Takeaway: Be mindful of who you interact with and select mutually beneficial relationships.

The Paradox of Planning and Spontaneity

These rituals and practices may sound like a lot of planning, but ironically, they leave room for spontaneity and serendipity. A well-structured day doesn’t stifle creativity but fosters it by freeing mental space for unplanned opportunities.

Key Takeaway: Meticulous planning can co-exist with spontaneity. Your structured rituals can open doors for unexpected joys and accomplishments.

Unlocking the Multifaceted Strategy of Effective Sleep Hygiene

While focusing on activities leading up to bedtime is typical, Dr. Koenig adds a layer by incorporating supplements like melatonin and magnesium. These substances are known to relax the nervous system, but timing is crucial. By taking these as he prepares his tea, he’s aligning the supplements’ physiological effects with his sleep ritual, turning biochemistry into an ally for better sleep.

The 45-Minute “Timer Trick”

The psychology of a ticking clock is ingeniously used in Jeremy’s ritual. He creates a self-imposed time constraint by setting the bath to an optimal temperature for only 45 minutes. This trick is a mental hack that adds urgency to his wind-down routine without causing stress, compelling him to follow through on his ritual.

Lifelong Learning through Bedtime Reading

Choosing the suitable reading material isn’t just about immediate impact; it can also align with one’s broader educational goals. Dr. Koenig refers to “How to Read a Book” by Jay Adler Mortimer, a guide that aids in selecting literature for lifelong learning. The book outlines how different forms of literature can contribute to your intellectual development, suggesting that even the process of winding down can contribute to one’s growth and knowledge.

These additional layers to Dr. Koenig’s approach demonstrate the depth of thought and planning that can go into constructing a sleep ritual. It’s not just about relaxation but about optimizing biochemical, psychological, and educational variables that collectively prepare both body and mind for restorative sleep and a productive tomorrow.

The Power of Routine and Effective Time Management

Time management has been a hot topic for as long as we’ve had ticking clocks. Optimizing every minute in the demanding sales world counts for achieving targets and maintaining a balanced life. 

Jeremy Koenig dissected his daily routines into four crucial segments: Setting, Rising, Startup, and Shutdown

Here are the key takeaways:

The Setting Phase: The Wind-Down Routine

Core Components

  1. Blocking Time: It all starts by allocating a specific period for winding down. In a job focused on service, you must commit to your well-being to serve others better the next day.
  2. First Trigger: Identify an activity that signals your brain it’s time to disconnect. It could be as simple as turning on the bathtub or shutting down your computer.
  3. Last Step: End the setting phase with a calming activity, bath, meditation, or prayer. Avoid anything digital that might disrupt your sleep cycle.

Takeaway: Schedule this wind-down time as the most important meeting of your life because it could very well be.

The Rising Phase: The First Move of the Day

Core Components

  1. Preparation: Start by setting your workout clothes out the night before.
  2. Immediate Activity: Once up, get some fresh air and set your intentions for the day.
  3. Workout and Music: Within 45 minutes of waking up, engage in physical exercise, potentially accompanied by an uplifting soundtrack.

Takeaway: Capitalize on your preparations to start the day with positive momentum.

The Startup Phase: Setting the Day’s Tone

Core Components

  1. Quick Email Scan: A brief inbox scan helps prioritize urgent matters before diving into tasks.
  2. Focus on Top Three: Identify the three most important tasks of the day and tackle them head-on.
  3. Personal and Professional Balance: Make these top tasks a mix of personal and professional activities to have a holistic approach to daily well-being.

Takeaway: Use your morning to focus on tasks that require strategic thinking and deep focus.

The Midday Reassessment

This phase serves as a bridge. Check your progress, step back, and recalibrate your tasks. This is also a good time for social interaction and emotional well-being.

The Shutdown Phase: Document and Reflect

Core Components

  1. Documentation: Record all calls, meetings, and insights.
  2. Next Action Items: Plan the following steps based on your learning.
  3. Software and Tools: Use platforms like Monday.com or analog journals to help with documentation.

Takeaway: Close your day by understanding what you learned and how it moves you closer to your objectives, aligning with frameworks such as OKRs (Objectives and Key Results).

A structured daily routine is vital, especially in fields like sales, where the pace can be frenetic. It’s not just about getting things done but also about personal well-being. After all, effective sales require a balanced, focused individual behind the process.


Integrating genomics and daily routines provides a revolutionary pathway to optimize performance, particularly for high-stress roles like sales and entrepreneurship. With the rise of personalized genetic insights, we’re moving past one-size-fits-all solutions to individualized strategies for everything from training to daily planning. 

This marriage of data and lifestyle creates an ecosystem where meticulous planning coexists spontaneously, opening doors for holistic well-being and peak performance. In a data-driven world, leveraging genomic knowledge offers a compelling future for realizing our full potential.


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