How to Use Comedy To Drive Brand Awareness

Shelby Dash and Kristina Clifford are the creators of Take2Content, where they handle every aspect of video production from ideation to editing. Both are professionally trained comedic actresses who started making comedy videos for fun in 2015.
What began as a passion project turned into a career when various brands and businesses started approaching them for custom video content. The duo joined the Predictable Revenue podcast to discuss how to use comedy in your content marketing to drive brand awareness.
Why you should add comedy to your content marketing
Like any other type of content marketing, comedic content is focused on the customer. If you want to build brand awareness, then you need to create content your target audience will watch, like, and share. Comedy is a natural way to draw people in.
When a business takes a risk in their marketing, it builds respect and brand awareness. People remember comedic ads, and as a result, they’re more likely to recognize that brand in the future.
Using comedic tropes to build brand awareness
If you decide to incorporate comedy into your content marketing, you don’t need to start from scratch; you can draw inspiration from classic comedy tropes. Many brands already do this (think of the Old Spice man, who plays a recognizable character in every ad campaign).
Other tropes include personification (adding human characteristics to something intangible), the rule of three (making a pattern then breaking it), and opposites attract. These tropes are used everywhere in content marketing, but it’s easy to miss them if you aren’t aware.
The first step is to begin noticing these tropes in the content you consume. Soon you’ll become familiar with the patterns and begin to notice what tropes you’re drawn to, which you want to emulate, and which ones you want to avoid.
Harness the power of surprise
If you want to get started with an easy trope, try the rule of three, where you start a list of two related things, then break the pattern with an unexpected third item. As consumers, we love to laugh at the unexpected. Think about how you can incorporate a funny surprise into your content marketing.
How to brainstorm content marketing ideas
Before you can create comedic content, you need to know your audience. Listen to your clients, put yourself in their shoes, and think about the problems they’re facing. This is where all of your content ideas should come from.
Next, think about your product, messaging, and the level of brand awareness you’ve already built. All of these factors will inform your content marketing strategy.
Once you’re clear on the above, it’s time to sit down and start brainstorming. Try not to edit yourself in this phase–you’re just putting ideas down on paper. The only way to see what resonates with your audience is to start putting content out there. After you’ve posted a few videos, track the engagement of each to see what your audience responded best to.
Getting started with comedic content
A lot of brands feel uncomfortable when they first start incorporating comedy into their content marketing. The key is to start somewhere and be vulnerable with your audience.
Focus on creating the content first–brainstorming a topic, producing the video, and editing–before you worry about sharing it. If you end up hating the final version, you can always delete it and try again.
Tips for honing your comedy skills
Is comedy a natural-born talent or a craft that anyone can master with practice? According to Shelby and Kristina, it’s a bit of both.
What it comes down to is your interest. If you enjoy watching and consuming comedy, chances are you’ll also be able to create it yourself–but not without practice.
Well-known comedians have spent decades perfecting their act, and it’s something you can master overnight. But like any other skill, the key is in just getting started (or outsourcing to an expert).
Video content marketing is the way of the future
It’s no secret that video is king right now. With so many brands incorporating video into their content marketing, it’s not enough to throw something together last-minute. Production quality is a huge factor in a video’s success. Be willing to invest, and you’ll get out what you put in.
If you decide to outsource video content, make sure you’ve done the legwork first. You need to have a clear understanding of your product-market fit, target audience, and messaging before you implement any type of content marketing strategy.
If you need help with messaging or understanding your customers, our expert coaches can help. Click here to get started!
Does comedy have a place in B2B Sales Development?
There are a few industries where comedy just doesn’t work–pharmaceutical companies selling serious medication, for instance. But you may be surprised by how many industries comedy does work well in.
In every audience, there are people who enjoy comedy. They may be a smaller portion of the target market, but even a small group of enthusiastic fans can drive brand awareness.
Comedy isn’t common in B2B content marketing. Most B2B products and services are intangible and therefore harder to market with comedy, but it’s not impossible. Every product solves a problem, and there’s a potential for comedy in every problem.
Even if comedy isn’t your first instinct, it’s a strategy worth considering–especially when it means you’ll stand out from the crowd.
If you want to connect with Shelby and Kristina to learn more about creating comedic content, visit or reach out via email to or
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