6 Vital Skills to Stand Out and Sell More
Dale Merrill joins the Predictable Revenue podcast to discuss how to stand out in outbound sales and how small changes can lead to massive revenue growth.

3 Reasons Why Your SDRs Are Getting Poached and How to Stop It
Are your sales development representatives being poached? Check out the top 3 reasons you’re losing SDRs and our top tips to retain outbound sales talent.

How to Use Comedy To Drive Brand Awareness
Shelby Dash and Kristina Clifford joined the Predictable Revenue podcast to discuss how to use comedy in your content marketing to drive brand awareness.

Updating The Hunter-Farmer Sales Model
The hunter-farmer sales model has long been an accepted way of looking at the different roles that exist, primarily, in the Account Executive world. Sean O’Shaughnessey talks about how it has expanded to fit today's nuanced landscape.

Round-Up: Top 8 Podcasts for Sales Leaders
The team at Predictable Revenue has rounded up a list of the top 8 podcasts for sales leaders, so you can listen and learn from industry experts on the go.

How to Successfully Run a Remote Business
Michael Zipursky joined the Predictable Revenue podcast to discuss how to successfully run a remote business and tips for working remotely.

How to Increase Your Return On Luck as a Business Leader
Simon Severino joins the Predictable Revenue podcast to discuss how to increase your return on luck as a business leader.

How Messaging Differs for Sales vs. Marketing
Learn the key differences between sales and marketing messaging, and how those differences affect the success of your outbound sales techniques.

The Importance of Data Hygiene in Sales Orgs
Pouyan Salehi joined the Predictable Revenue podcast to discuss the importance of data hygiene in B2B sales and how we can make better use of our data.

SDR is Not a Junior Role Anymore
Think sales development representative is a junior position? Learn why SDRs are so important to outbound sales and the unique skill set required to master this role.

Transform Your Prospects Into A High Performing Sales Team
Tom Burton joins the Predictable Revenue podcast to discuss how to transform prospects into your own top performing sales team.

A Day in the Life of a Sales Coach
What does an average day look like for a Sales Coach? We sat down with Predictable Revenue’s Head of Coaching, Sarah Hicks, to ask her all about it.