GTM vs. Revenue Leadership with Chris Riklin

In this episode of the Predictable Revenue Podcast, Collin Stewart interviews Chris Riklin, co-founder and Head of Revenue at Topline

Chris shares his unique journey as a founder, highlighting the importance of being deeply involved in the sales process and how his team’s collaborative dynamics contribute to their success.

Founder’s Deep Involvement in Sales

Chris underscores the critical role founders play in driving early sales. He believes that founders must lead the initial sales efforts to understand the market and customer needs thoroughly. This direct engagement is vital for refining the product and establishing a solid foundation for future growth.

Key Insights:

  • Direct Engagement: Founders should spearhead the sales process initially to gather firsthand customer feedback and make necessary product adjustments.
  • Building Foundations: Achieving the first million in revenue should be a founder-led effort to ensure a solid understanding of the product-market fit.

Unique Collaborative Team Dynamics

Topline’s success is attributed to its unique founding team, including all three co-founders actively involved in the go-to-market strategy. This collaboration ensures that sales, marketing, and product development are aligned and integrated.


  • Integrated Efforts: Each co-founder brings unique expertise, fostering a well-rounded approach to business growth.
  • Daily Syncs: Regular communication lets the team quickly adjust strategies based on real-time feedback and market conditions.

The Importance of Connected Teams

Chris highlights the importance of having a deeply integrated sales, marketing, and product team. This alignment is often missing in larger organizations but is critical for a startup’s success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Daily Communication: The Topline team holds daily meetings to discuss goals, progress, and adjustments, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: By staying connected, the team can quickly adapt its strategies based on customer feedback and market changes, enhancing its ability to meet customer needs effectively.

Transition from Enterprise Sales to Startup Sales

Chris discusses the significant differences between his previous role as an enterprise sales representative and his current role as the startup’s first account executive (AE). The startup environment requires constant experimentation, flexibility, and a deep understanding of customer needs.

Key Differences:

  • Experimentation: The startup environment demands continuous testing of new strategies and channels, unlike the more established processes in larger companies.
  • Flexibility and Creativity: Founders must be flexible and creative, building and adapting sales strategies on the fly.
  • Deep Customer Understanding: It’s essential to deeply understand customer problems and use that insight to shape product and marketing strategies.

Sales and Marketing Challenges

Reflecting on his journey, Collin emphasizes the challenges that founders face when they lack a background in marketing. He shares how daunting it can be to figure out the proper marketing channels, even for someone with a solid sales foundation. 

Collin’s analogy of identifying as a salesperson, akin to a tradesperson with a certification, highlights the importance of expertise in sales. However, he also underscores the struggle of transitioning to marketing without formal training or background.

Critical Challenges for Founders:

  • Identifying Marketing Channels: Founders often find it challenging to pinpoint effective marketing strategies without prior experience.
  • Generating Leads: Many founders can close deals but struggle with generating enough leads to sustain growth.

Overcoming Early-Stage Marketing Hurdles

Collin and Chris discuss the initial hurdles when exploring new demand generation channels. Collin shares his experience with the fear and uncertainty of diving into new marketing strategies like SEO despite his confidence in outbound techniques like cold calling and emailing.

Strategies for Success:

  • Experimentation: Continuously testing new channels and approaches to find what works best.
  • Persistence: Staying committed to the process even when initial efforts do not yield immediate results.
  • Balancing Inbound and Outbound Efforts: Creating a robust marketing strategy by integrating both inbound and outbound methods.

The Advantage of Diverse Expertise

Chris discusses the unique advantage of having a co-founder with deep marketing expertise. This complementary skill set allows Topline to effectively handle both sales and marketing, ensuring a balanced approach to growth. 

Chris emphasizes the importance of storytelling and relationship-building in sales, viewing these as essential skills that all founders should develop.

Key Insights:

  • Storytelling and Relationship Building: Sales is not just about closing deals; it’s about telling compelling stories and building strong customer relationships.
  • Utilizing Frameworks: Adopting frameworks like StoryBrand can help founders align their messaging and ensure consistency across all customer interactions.

Leveraging Co-Founder Expertise

Having a co-founder with deep marketing expertise has given Topline a significant advantage. This expertise allows them to generate leads effectively and create the necessary momentum for growth.


  • Complementary Skills: Each co-founder brings unique strengths, enhancing the overall strategy.

  • Efficient Growth: A strong marketing foundation helps quickly scale the business and reach the target audience.

Implementing the StoryBrand Framework

At Topline, the StoryBrand framework has been instrumental in developing a cohesive and compelling narrative. This framework helps the team map the customer journey and create marketing materials that resonate with their audience. 

Chris highlights how this approach has been crucial in understanding and addressing customer needs, making their marketing efforts more effective.

StoryBrand Framework:

  • Customer Journey Mapping: Helps understand customers’ specific needs and pain points.
  • Consistent Messaging: Ensures all marketing and sales communications are aligned and empathetic to customer challenges.

Practical Advice for Founders

Chris and Collin offer practical advice for founders navigating the early stages of business growth. 

Chris emphasizes the importance of storytelling and relationship-building in sales, while Collin highlights the need for continuous experimentation and a balanced marketing approach.

Key Takeaways:

  • Embrace Storytelling: Founders should leverage their passion and knowledge to tell compelling stories about their products.
  • Experiment and Adapt: Continuous experimentation with marketing channels and strategies is essential for finding what works best.
  • Leverage Diverse Expertise: Building a founding team with complementary skills can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your sales and marketing efforts.

By adopting these strategies, founders can navigate the complexities of early-stage business growth, build strong customer relationships, and create a sustainable path to success.

Early Customer Acquisition and Scaling Challenges

Collin and Chris delve into the complexities of acquiring the first customers and scaling operations effectively. Their discussion provides actionable insights for founders in the early stages of their business journey.

Collin Stewart’s Perspective: 

Collin emphasizes the importance of pacing and strategic hiring in the early stages. He shares a cautionary tale about a company that wanted to hire 40 salespeople immediately, highlighting the potential pitfalls of such a rapid expansion without sufficient proof points and data. 

He stresses the importance of timing and strategic resource allocation, urging founders to place their bets wisely.

Chris Riklin’s Journey: 

Chris recounts his experience with Topiine’s initial customer acquisition strategy. The first ten customers primarily came from their networks and relationships, particularly from the consulting industry. 

These early customers provided a solid foundation, thanks to the deep market understanding of one of their co-founders, who built the product to solve his problem.


As they moved beyond their initial customer base, referrals significantly brought diverse clients from various industries. This unexpected diversity presented opportunities and challenges in creating a scalable and repeatable sales process.

Navigating Partnerships

Critical Insight: Effective partnerships require dedicated resources and a streamlined approach.

Chris highlights the challenge of managing partnerships as a founder, emphasizing that they often require more attention than available resources allow. Successful partnerships are built on repeatable processes, such as affiliate programs, which can be managed with minimal complexity. 

This approach ensures that partnerships contribute to business growth without overwhelming the team.

Target Market and Channel Success

Key Insight: Identifying and leveraging the right channels is crucial for reaching your target market.

Chris shares how Topline targets businesses that struggle to afford expensive marketing solutions. Their success has come from broad advertising channels like Facebook and Google, alongside targeted outreach on LinkedIn. Surprisingly, the wellness industry has shown significant interest, providing a new and profitable avenue for growth.

Automating Sales Processes

Key Insight: Automation and AI can streamline the sales process, ensuring a steady flow of demos and optimizing resources.

Topline has successfully automated its demo scheduling process using its tools, automation, and AI. This automation allows them to focus on refining their sales approach and more effectively targeting specific industries. It ensures a consistent pipeline of potential clients without requiring constant manual effort.

Strategic Hiring for Growth

Critical Insight: Hiring the right mix of skills and energy is essential for scaling sales efforts.

Chris discusses hiring individuals with an SDR’s drive and the strategic capabilities needed for broader sales and market tasks. Rigorous hiring processes, including practical tests and role-playing, help identify candidates who can effectively contribute to scaling the business.

Preparing for a Major Launch

Key Insight: A well-planned product launch can create significant demand and drive business growth.

Topline is preparing for a significant product launch to generate demand and attract many customers. Chris believes this launch will help them surpass their initial customer and revenue goals, positioning the company for its next growth phase. 

This strategy underscores the importance of continuous innovation and strategic planning in driving business success.


Founder-led sales are crucial for early-stage business growth. They provide firsthand customer feedback and help refine the product. Building a diverse team with complementary sales, marketing, and product development skills fosters a well-rounded growth strategy. 

Continuous experimentation with marketing channels and automation can streamline processes and maintain a steady pipeline. Leveraging storytelling and relationship-building enhances sales effectiveness, while strategic hiring ensures the right mix of energy and expertise to scale the business.

Ready to supercharge your sales and marketing efforts? Discover how Topline’s unique expertise can drive your business growth.

Want to build a high-performance sales team? Explore Predictable Revenue’s proven strategies to generate consistent leads and drive predictable growth.

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