The Power of Storytelling in Sales with Philipp Humm

In sales and entrepreneurship, crafting compelling narratives can be a game-changer. One of the most challenging yet influential skills in this domain is storytelling. 

Collin Stewart sat down with Philipp Humm, a seasoned expert in the field and the author of The Story Selling Method, to delve into the significance of storytelling in the sales realm.

He shared invaluable insights on choosing the correct stories, narrating them effectively, and connecting with the audience on a deeper level.

Why should entrepreneurs and sales leaders care about storytelling?

Philipp emphasized that storytelling is a crucial element that sets successful salespeople apart. While presenting facts and figures about products or services is essential, it often lacks a lasting impression.

At the heart of storytelling lies its ability to evoke emotions and create an inner dialogue with the listeners. This emotional connection makes stories memorable, leaving a lasting impact long after being heard. This emotional appeal is crucial for sales professionals in engaging potential clients and ultimately driving them toward a purchasing decision.

Storytelling is more than just narrating a sequence of events; it’s an art that can be honed to build meaningful connections with prospects and customers. By sharing the right stories at the right moments, salespeople can create authentic and lasting relationships, transforming their approach to selling.

Crafting Memorable Stories

By skillfully weaving the following elements together, sales professionals can create impactful stories that resonate with their audience, leaving a lasting impression and increasing the likelihood of converting prospects into satisfied customers.

1- The Perfect Length:

When it comes to delivering a sales story, Philipp’s research has shown that the average duration of a great sales story is just 1 minute and 27 seconds (87 seconds). This revelation might surprise some, as it challenges the notion that longer stories are always more powerful. However, Philipp emphasizes that brevity is often the key to maintaining the audience’s attention and ensuring the core message is concise.

2- Essential Elements of a Good Sales Story:

While brevity is essential, Philipp Humm stresses that even within this short time frame, a successful sales story must incorporate several crucial elements:

a. Emotional Impact:

The most captivating sales stories evoke emotions in the audience. Emotions create a deeper connection between the storyteller and the listener, making the narrative more relatable and memorable.

b. Visual Storytelling:

A good sales story should go beyond just words; it should paint a vivid picture in the audience’s minds. Visual storytelling brings the story to life, immersing listeners in the narrative and better understanding the message.

c. Element of Surprise:

To keep the audience engaged, a compelling sales story should include an element of surprise. Unexpected twists or revelations capture the listeners’ attention, holding their interest until the end. The essence of surprise also prevents the story from becoming predictable and ensures it remains memorable.

Infusing Emotions in Sales Stories

In sales, especially in a B2B context, it may seem challenging to find emotions when sharing customer case studies or success stories. However, Philipp introduces us to 3 techniques:

1- The Power of Inner Dialogue: Unveiling Emotions

During critical moments of your story, you can tap into the thoughts and feelings of the main characters, including your customers or even yourself. By sharing fears, worries, hopes, dreams, excitement, or self-doubt, you humanize the story and make it more relatable to the audience. Instead of merely stating, “We were excited to deliver the pitch,” go further by expressing, “Oh, man, this will be the best pitch of my life! Everyone will look at this and think that I’m a freaking genius!”

Inner dialogue provides a window into the minds of those involved, allowing the audience to connect emotionally and form a deeper bond with the narrative. When listeners empathize with the characters’ emotions, they become more invested in the story and its outcomes.

2- The Visual Impact: Quoting Exact Words

Services and consulting solutions may seem abstract, but the challenge is to make your stories visual and tangible. Philipp also shares a valuable technique to achieve this: incorporating the exact words your customers use during significant moments of the story.

When recounting a customer’s challenge, action, or transformation, include their direct feedback or testimonial. By sharing their exact words, you paint a vivid picture in the audience’s minds, allowing them to experience the impact of your product or service as if they were right there with the customer.

For instance, if a customer expresses their satisfaction by saying, “Thanks to your consulting, I increased my revenue by 50%—insane! Thank you so much!” – use these precise words in your story. Doing so creates authenticity and credibility, enabling the audience to visualize the positive impact and appreciate your value.

3- Choose Specific and Catchy Words

To maximize your stories’ emotional and visual impact, be mindful of the words you use. Philipp advises using specific and catchy terms when sharing inner dialogue or customer testimonials. Instead of presenting a vague recollection, infuse your narrative with memorable phrases that resonate with the audience.

For example, saying, “The customer mentioned several positive outcomes” might not be as impactful as, “The customer exclaimed, ‘With this solution, I solved a major problem that we haven’t been able to crack!'”

Specific and catchy words make your storytelling more engaging and memorable. They leave a lasting impression on your listeners, ensuring they remember the key moments and sentiments shared in the story.

Building Authentic Connections with Connection Stories

Connection stories serve as the perfect icebreakers, transcending mundane small talk about weather or traffic. These short, relatable anecdotes create a meaningful bond with the customer from the beginning.

The true power of a connection story lies in its ability to share personal experiences concisely and engagingly. It’s a chance to immediately move beyond the usual “How are you?” response and establish an authentic connection.

Crafting a Connection Story: A Simple Yet Effective Structure

Philipp shares a straightforward structure for crafting connection stories, comprising three vital components:

Transition In: This opening sentence captures your audience’s attention and leaves them eager for more. It sets the stage for your story, instantly sparking interest.

Share Your Story: Here’s your opportunity to offer a captivating personal anecdote that goes beyond the mundane. It could be trying out a new hobby, a humorous mishap, or a recent experience. The key is to make it relatable and intriguing.

Transition Out: The critical step for building rapport. After sharing your story, pose an open-ended question to encourage the other person to respond with their own story. This creates a beautiful exchange, fostering a deeper connection between both parties.

Though connection stories may only last around 30 to 60 seconds, their value in sales interactions is immense. By sharing these stories, you can swiftly establish a sense of familiarity and comfort with the customer.

The ultimate goal of a connection story is to get to know the other person on a deeper level and vice versa. When the customer reciprocates with their story, you gain invaluable insights into their experiences, preferences, and emotions. This mutual exchange forms a strong foundation of trust and rapport, which extends well beyond the current conversation.

Tips for Smooth Transitioning: Navigating the Flow

While connection stories are potent tools, transitioning out of them can challenge many sales professionals. To ensure a seamless flow in your sales conversations, consider these valuable tips:

  • Prepare in Advance: Anticipate how to transition out of your connection story, ensuring a smooth continuation of the conversation.
  • Ask Appropriate Questions: Craft open-ended questions inviting customers to share their experiences. Thought-provoking inquiries like “When was the last time you tried a new sport?” or “What was your most memorable vacation with your family?” spark engaging discussions.

Unleashing Social Proof with Success Stories

Humans naturally seek guidance from others when making decisions, and this psychological phenomenon dramatically influences our behavior as consumers.

Success stories, also known as case studies or customer testimonials, highlight your product or service’s positive impact on customers’ lives. When crafting success stories, it’s crucial to be specific and use measurable results to showcase your value. For example, if you’re marketing a productivity app, highlight how a particular customer significantly increased their efficiency after adopting it.

The authenticity of success stories is paramount. Whenever possible, include real testimonials from satisfied customers, as they reinforce the credibility of your claims and assuage any doubts potential buyers may have. Demonstrating that others have genuinely benefited from your offering builds trust in your brand and bolsters confidence in prospective customers.

Furthermore, success stories provide an excellent opportunity to showcase the versatility and effectiveness of your product or service. By presenting real-life examples of successful implementations, you can demonstrate how your offering addresses various use cases and benefits customers in multiple ways. This helps potential customers envision how to achieve positive outcomes, motivating them to take the next step in their buying journey.

Showcasing Value Stories for Impact

It’s vital to remember that customers aren’t merely purchasing a product or service but investing in the value it brings to their lives. Use value stories—narratives illustrating your offer’s benefits and unique selling points to convey this value effectively.

Creating impactful value stories begins with profoundly understanding your target audience’s pain points and desires. How does your product or service address those pain points or fulfill their desires? Emphasize the aspects that set you apart from competitors and explain why these differentiators matter to your potential customers.

Substantiate your value stories with relevant data, statistics, or customer feedback to add weight. Quantifiable evidence adds credibility and trustworthiness to your claims, reinforcing that your offering delivers tangible results. When potential buyers see concrete proof of your value, they are more inclined to perceive your offering as indispensable and worthy of investment.

When crafting value stories, emphasize the transformation of your customers’ experience after using your product or service. Whether saving time, increasing revenue, improving well-being, or streamlining a complex process, vividly illustrate how your offering brings about positive change.


Mastering the art of storytelling is a game-changer in sales and entrepreneurship. 

By evoking emotions, painting vivid pictures, and using surprising twists, storytelling forges authentic connections and leaves a lasting impact on the audience. Remember the power of brevity, with great sales stories lasting around one minute. 

Infuse your stories with inner dialogue, exact customer words, and captivating language to build powerful connections with potential clients. Embrace connection stories as icebreakers to foster deeper rapport with customers. Utilize social proof and value stories to add credibility and motivate buyers.


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