Surprising Outbound Success for Cheeky Monkey


how Cheeky Monkey added $250K+ in extra pipeline in 3 months

if you’re looking to kickstart or reboot your outbound prospecting, here’s a great success story.  especially since i would have guessed it wouldn’t have worked!  (shows what i know).

it surprised me since it’s about a professional services company, which generally means lead generation – and especially outbound – which is much harder all around.

Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 3.00.27 PMCheeky Monkey Media, a web development and design company, wanted to generate new business and get started with outbound prospecting by implementing predictable revenue’s Cold Calling 2.0 system.  to get started fast & make it easy, they decided to outsource their first outbound campaigns to Carburetor (  [disclosure – we’re involved.]

web services are a hard sell in a NOISY, crowded & competitive industry, but Cheeky Monkey came to the table armed with a great website, case studies, and most importantly (!!!!) a very specific target market in mind (they do Drupal sites).

Carburetor worked with them to identify their ideal customer profile and write targeted email messages to prepare, build a list, & kick off their campaign within 2 weeks.

i’m usually not a fan of outsourcing outbound prospecting if you’re a company determined to grow fast.  but, i have seen outsourcing make it easier to start fast & get something moving while figuring out how you want to build your internal team.

in Nov. 2014, Cheeky Monkey received an initial list of prospects & draft email messaging templates, and then the first few emails were sent to begin testing the campaign.

then in Dec, after only a couple of weeks of ramping and tweaking the campaign, the media company consistently began receiving warm email introductions:

Dec – 8 intros

Jan –  9 intros

Feb – 16 intros

these warm email introductions provided Cheeky Monkey with over $250,000 in new pipeline conversations in a few months, and cost $12k.

it’ll take more months to see what the revenue is from the first meetings, close rate, etc., but they have something off the ground and working.  they jumped in and did it.  because you can’t think or whiteboard your way to success.

again, their results surprised me, and i would say it’s probably because of their focused niche.  it’s a noisy world, and getting REALLY specific helps cut through the clutter.

to learn more about outsourced / outbound prospecting with Carburetor, email Kay Meester at

ps: our family just moved last week, down the street here in Los Angeles to be just off Sunset in Pacific Palisades.  i knew we had a lot of clutter in the house, but it took like 10 adults ALL DAY last week to load, move and unload everything.  and ever since we’ve had helpers here since unpacking, sorting and organizing…it’s never-ending.

it’d be nice to get rid of all the cr*p & clutter we collect as a family, but the reality is when you have kids – much less now 6 as we do – clutter is a part of your existence.   i’m over trying to fight it, and now my path of least resistance is just stepping over and around it all 🙂

pps: princess tales…this is what happens when a 12 year old daughter (Aurora) has a free afternoon, access to makeup & princess gear, and a little 5 yr old brother (Maverick) who’s a willing participant… oh, we are SO keeping this picture handy for when he grows up:

ppps: finally here’s our own little cheeky monkey Darcy here at home, snot and all!
