Finding Your Needy Niche


The following is an excerpt from The Predictable Revenue Guide To Tripling Your Sales:

Don’t let the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) muddy your market & message

When your company is struggling to generate quality leads, first ask yourself if you’ve found a Needy Niche. Of all the kinds of companies who could use you…and all the kinds of buyers who should want you… which ones need & want you so much that they’re willing to expend their attention, energy & money to buy and use you?Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 2.52.01 PM

Finding a niche isn’t about thinking smaller – it’s focusing, making it possible to target & find the right people and more easily showing them how you can help.

How LeadGenius Found Their Needy Niche

LeadGenius started out as a company called Mobileworks, who did crowdsourcing. What’s that mean? Exactly; few people who weren’t friends-of-a-friend, or super Early Adopters, ‘got it’. They were burning cash like crazy when they narrowed their niche to “outsourced virtual assistance.”

By narrowing (focusing) on a tighter market & service, they got to “cashflow neutral” in only 60 days. Then they narrowed (focused) even more, to on-demand prospecting & lead generation…and sales took off! It became easy for companies to understand how they could help.

For more case studies on finding your needy niche,  download the full eBook here.

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