Thoughts on Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence
Meg Hewitt, the New York-based Director of Sales for Handshake, says setting yourself up for success starts with a dedication to positive thinking long before you show up at the office.

How SmartRecruiter’s Taft Love is Helping his SDRs Focus Strictly on Selling
If there’s one overarching theme – one consistent narrative – to The Predictable Revenue Podcast, it’s how sales leaders are working to make the practice of sales development more focused, effective and ultimately lucrative.

How to Nail The First 30 Seconds of The Cold Call
It’s been years since those of us in the sales development world first heard the assertion that the “cold call is dead.” Why should an SDR spend his or her time calling and leaving messages, or fighting with gatekeepers when they can get their targeted messages right into the inbox of the person they want to sell to? Right? Not quite.

How ZUUS Dynamic Scheduling Gets the Most of Their Trade Show Appearances
Conference and trade show attendance – companies of all shapes and sizes do it. In fact, it’s a yearly fixture for many organizations. It makes perfect sense, of course. When the industry you sell to is gathered in the same room, you should want to be there.

Why Marketers Suck at Sales Enablement…And How to Fix It
Every now and then, you have to take a step outside your comfort zone. As loyal listeners of our podcast and followers of The Predictable Revenue methodology know, we’re lovers of all things sales development. Died-in-the-wool sales professionals.

How Catavolt Evolves its Sales Development Process to Perfect Account Based Sales
It’s a well-worn sales trope, but one that isn’t done nearly as much as it’s repeated: sales development and marketing are truly intertwined business processes and should work closely together.

The Nuances of Inspiring Sales Leaders and Scaling the Sales Org
Everyone wants to know how to best scale their sales team. Going from one or two people to a full fledged team of salespeople is surely a good sign of the health of the company but it comes with some growing pains.

Why Relying Solely On Emails is ‘Irresponsible’ Prospecting
As a junior sales manager, at a company heavily invested in activity metrics, sales development leader Jake Biskar figured the key to prospecting was sending as many emails as possible. The more contact you attempt to make, the more contact you will, eventually, make. Right? Not so fast.

How Demandbase’s David Mordzynski Structures His Workday To Get The Most Out Of His Time…And His Quota
Sadly, it’s a story we all know much too well: you get in the office bright and early with a long list of things to get accomplished, only to have your planned productive day derailed by surprise task after surprise task. And no matter how “small” the unexpected job is, it takes time to complete. Add that all up and before you know it, the day is done and you’re staring at the same list you were in the morning. There’s always tomorrow, right?

How VanHack Booked 60 Meetings at a Recent Conference Without Springing for a Booth or Sponsorship
Attending a conference (or two or three) is one of the highlights of a salesperson’s year. You get out of the office, often to a cool city, and get some face time with with customers and other sales professionals. What’s not to love?

How To Set Your Team And Your Company Up For Sales Development Success
You have a sales development rep, and they’re consistently booking qualified meetings. Qualified meetings are a critical component of the growth of any company, so hiring more SDRs will bring the company more qualified meetings. Simple, right? Well, not exactly.

How Costello’s Phill Keene Uses Predictable Revenue Methodologies to Map Complex Organizations
Here at Predictable Revenue, we know a thing or two about, well, Predictable Revenue. We know it so well, in fact, we built our company on its principles and tactics to help organizations and sales teams increase revenue and scale their outbound operations.