How To Write Content For Landing Pages To Generate Sales

Author: Amanda Dudley
Landing pages play a significant role in sales generation because it is the customer’s first point of contact with your business.
Imagine arriving at a florist’s shop just to see wilted plants on the porch. You definitely wouldn’t want to buy anything from them.
This is the same feeling visitors get when they visit your product’s landing page and everything looks out of order. So, you need to do everything possible to jazz up your landing page, even if it means hiring a college essay writing service.
But it is not just about the written content on the page. Let’s check out other key considerations for your landing page.
Speak Like Your Audience
One mistake most companies make is trying to sound too formal on their landing page. Of course, if your target audience consists of career professionals — like in the legal system — you can use formal language. Otherwise, keep the tone conversational and informal.
Besides, don’t write generic content for your landing page. Dedicate enough time and research to find out your core user demographics. From this information, you should develop a user persona for the product or service.
Write as if you are conversing with one user and mirror their speech patterns. For example, you can add trending slang in the text (as long as they are not offensive). And above all, don’t be afraid to add some humor.
Don’t Use Passive Voice
Writing with a conversational tone allows you to break grammar rules to maintain that sense of relatability. But in the process, you might get tempted to slip in the passive voice when writing pages.
Make no mistake; passive voice is not an absolute taboo in writing content for landing pages. However, the active voice sounds more assertive and convincing — which is precisely what you need on the page.
Here are two examples:
Passive voice (avoid this!): “The free trial will be acquired by you.”
Active voice (direct): “You will get a free trial.”
Use Action-Specific CTA’s
When comparing landing page vs. website, the common factor is the call-to-action (CTA). If you want to generate sales from your landing page, you need a CTA.
But it is not about writing text on a button and placing it randomly on the page. Position your CTA close to the accompanying text — and consider adding a guarantee text close to it.
In addition, the CTA button or link should convey a specific message and guide the reader to perform an action. Also, use contrasting color schemes to make the CTA stand out on the page.
Include Testimonials and Quotes
New page visitors are interested in what others have to say about you. To put your best page forward, you need to include user testimonials on your page. Add up to five short reviews with ratings from previous customers.
You can also take it a step further by getting quotes from company heads with whom you have worked in the past. If the quote is a video, then it will give your product’s landing page іщьу extra credibility.
Badges and certifications from top companies like Norton and Google are also approval stamps for your company. In totality, these landing page elements give your product social proof.
Use Numbers
Humans associate numbers with credibility and organization. Adding a number to something provides a ‘scale’ in the user’s mind.
Check out these examples:
“Take your business to the next level in a short time.”
“Take your business to the next level in less than 30 days.”
The first example leaves the timeline open to interpretation, while the second example sounds more credible and definitive. Therefore, always include figures to give your text an extra air of authority.
Focus on the Benefits
Always remember one thing when working on a click through landing page: it is never about you. With this fact in mind, you should focus on the benefits the user will gain from your service instead of the features.
Why is this necessary?
Just think about it: the first thing you think of when someone offers you a deal is, “what is in it for me?” We all think about this — and so do your potential customers.
So, instead of discussing how terrific your product is, focus on what the user would gain from it.
Don’t say “WiFi-enabled toothbrush”. Instead, you should say something like, “this toothbrush allows you to connect to the internet”.
Make the Text Skimmable
A landing page with dense blocks of text is a recipe for product failure. The bounce rate will increase because people won’t have the attention span to read all that boring text. So, save the long story for the About Us page or Blog.
Add a lot of whitespace to the page to make it easy to skim. Also, use text hierarchy to prioritize important messages in the headlines. If the reader can scan the page, they can move to the checkout page faster.
If possible, hire a designer to create graphics and choose legible fonts for your landing page. Use 2D illustrations or animations to add some life to the page.
Writing content for your landing page is simple if you follow the right steps. Get to know your audience before working on an idea. Use a conversational and informal writing style to confer a laidback vibe. Also, prioritize how the service will benefit the user instead of its features. Use social proof to establish brand trust and authenticity. And most importantly, use CTAs to guide the user on the landing page.
Amanda Dudley is a writer who holds a Ph.D. in History. She graduated from Stanford University in 2001 and is currently lecturing on American and World history. In addition to her lecturing duties, Amanda works with students at EssayUSA, using her knowledge and skills to produce word-perfect papers and essays.
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